How do I add a product option name? •

If you want to add a new option category that does not exist yet with your product, follow these steps:

  1. Open our Bulk Product Edit app, and from either the dashboard or the sidebar, access the Variants and Options task function.

  1. After selecting a filter, and previewing products, we go to the task details. Here, we select the task "Add a Product Option Name".

This task will create a new product option, that you can use later to add variants under this particular option.

  1. This task requires two inputs:

    a. Product Option Name - here you can name it to something like Color, Size, Material, etc.

    b. Default Variant Option Value - Shopify requires a default variant option value for any product option name. Using colors for example, this can be Red, Blue, White, etc.

  1. After inputting the necessary information, you can start the task.

  1. After it concludes, it should reflect the Option Name and the default Variant Option Value on the product.


If you would like to add additional variants to your products, you can check out this article How do I add an option to my products?

If you would need to change the pricing of some of your variants, you can refer to this article on Pricing

Tutorials on editing variant price and compare-at-price

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at

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