Tutorials on Collection CSV Import Export •
Our CSV Import and Export functions will allow you to edit your collections by exporting your product details to a CSV, as well as allowing you to edit your collections by importing a CSV.
CSV Importing
1. Choose to edit collections, or add new ones.
The first step for our CSV importing function would be to choose to either edit already existing collections, or to add new ones on your store. You can choose either of options by clicking on the corresponding button in step 1.
2. Upload your spreadsheet
You can upload your spreadsheet to our app using 3 methods. You can upload it from your device, provide a spreadsheet URL, or provide an FTP location.
If you are submitting a spreadsheet URL, you will need to ensure that the URL provided points directly to the sheet. If you are uploading a sheet from Google Sheets, we have a short guide on how to do that, which you can find here.
If you are submitting an FTP location, you will need to ensure that the FTP location is in the format ftp://user:password@your.ftp-server.com/path/to/file.xlsx
Once you have everything set, you can click the "upload" button to proceed.
Please note that the only accepted file formats for this function are CSV and XLSX files. Any other file formats are not accepted in our app.
3. Map the columns
Once the sheet is uploaded, you can begin to map the columns. For example, in my task below, the collections title is in column 1. I am using the collections title as the field that the app should search by, so I have mapped the title to column 1. The collection description is in column 2, so I have also mapped it to its corresponding columns in the app.
Once you have finished the mapping, you can then click the "Start CSV Import Now" button at the bottom of the page.
Avoid Duplication?
If you are adding new collection, you may notice an "Avoid duplication" checkbox next to some fields. We have a short guide on this function, which you can find here
CSV Exporting
1. Set up the collection filter
The first step to setting up a bulk edit is to set up the filters. Our app has many fields that you can filter from, which can help you narrow down the collection that you would like our app to edit. Our app also comes with a preview function, so that you can verify if the collections found are correct.
2. Choose the fields to export
You can select the fields that you want our app to export from the dropdowns. Collection ID is always included in any export in the first column.
Optional step
You can adjust the export settings using the fields below. You can control the file name and file format of the exported file, as well as email the file or upload it to an FTP server by providing the appropriate details.
Once everything is set up, you can click the "Start CSV Export Now" button to begin the export.
Once the export finishes, you can download the exported file by clicking on the "Exported File" section in the CSV Export task menu.
But wait, there's more!
We also have a few tutorial videos as well, which walk you through different scenarios for using CSV import:
How to bulk edit collection CSV import in Bulk Product Edit app
How to bulk edit collection CSV export in Bulk Product Edit app