How do I import a Google Sheets spreadsheet file? •

Did you know that BPE app's CSV Import feature supports Google Sheets spreadsheet files directly from Google Docs? There is no need to download the Google Sheets files to your computer beforehand! In this article, we will introduce how to directly import a Google Sheets spreadsheet file to BPE so as to create a CSV Import task. 

Step 1: Open the Google Sheets spreadsheet file on Google Docs, and select File > Share > Publish to web in the toolbar on the top of the page. 

Step 2: In the prompt window that shows up, select "Link", and then expand the dropdown that shows "Web page". Select either "Comma-separated values (.csv)" or "Microsoft Excel(.xlsx)" from the options in the dropdown.

Step 3: Click the "Publish" button on the window. When prompted, confirm that you want to publish the selection.

Step 4: Once the spreadsheet file is published to the web, copy the URL that appears below the dropdowns to the clipboard.

Step 5: On BPE's CSV Import page, when you reach "Step 2: Upload Spreadsheet File or Submit Spreadsheet URL", select "Submit Spreadsheet URL" and paste the URL from Google that you copied in Step 4 above. Once you click "Submit", you should be able to preview the first couple of lines of your Google Sheets spreadsheet file.

Screenshot 2024-06-19 at 03.02.12.png

Your Google Sheets spreadsheets file is now imported to the BPE app, and is ready to be processed in a CSV Import task!

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