Avoid Duplication When Adding New Products by CSV Import •

There are four (4) fields that can be used to avoid adding duplicate products:

  • Product Title
  • Product Handle
  • Variant SKU
  • Variant Barcode

When importing new products by CSV, each of these fields displays an "Avoid Duplication" checkbox as shown below.


If "Avoid Duplication" is selected, BPE will check for existing products and variants with matching values to the corresponding values in your CSV and will not create a new product if a match is found.

For example, let's say you select "Avoid Duplication" on Product Handle and one of the new products in your CSV has a handle of "t-shirt". If there is already a product with the handle "t-shirt" in your store, a new product will not be created.

Import Actions

It is important to note that the values used for checking for duplication are the resulting values after the import actions are applied. Import actions for Handle, SKU, and Barcode include prepending, appending, replacing, and removing text from these fields. Once these actions are complete, then the task will check for matching values in your store based on the resulting field values.

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