How do I round my price values to a decimal or whole number? (As a task)

By using BPE, you can round the value of the price or compared price of your products to a desired number. 
To round a price or a compared price value, navigate to the "Pricing" page. After choosing the desired products and variants using the filters on Steps 1 and 2 as well as the optional step, choose "round price (or compared-at-price) on numbers before (or after) the decimal point" options on Step 3 to start creating a task to round price or compared price values. 
The option values in Step 3 to choose for rounding price values and compared price values.

Round to a whole number

Interface for rounding price on numbers before decimal point
First, choose whether you wish to round the price value to the lower, nearest or upper whole number of your choice. Then input one or more number digits without any decimal points. For example, select "lower" and type "00" to round the calculated price value to the lower 00 before the decimal point. 
Here are some examples on how BPE rounds a price value to a whole number:
  • To round 12.99 to nearest 5, the result will be 15.00; to round 19.00 to nearest 5, the result will be 15.00.
  • To round 123.00 to upper 9, the result will be 129.00; to round 123.00 to nearest 9, the result will be 119.00. 
  • To round 1234.00 to nearest 99, the result will be 1199.00; to round 1285.00 to nearest 00, the result will be 1300.00. 
  • To round 1234.00 to nearest 999, the result will be 999.00; To round 1234.00 to upper 000, the result will be 2000.00. 
Please note that numbers after decimal point will be erased. For example, if you round 123.31 to nearest 9, the result will be 119.00. 

Round to a decimal number

Interface for rounding price on numbers after decimal point
First, choose whether you wish to round the price value to the lower, nearest or upper whole number of your choice. Then input exactly 2 number digits. For example, select "nearest" and type "99" to round the calculated price value to the nearest 99 after the decimal point. 
Here is an example on how BPE rounds a price value to a decimal number:
  • To round 123.31 to upper 99, the result will be 123.99; To round 123.31 to nearest 99, the result will be 122.99.
  • To round 123.00 to upper 99, the result will be 123.99; To round 123.00 to nearest 99, the result will be 122.99.
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