How do I manage product category of a product? •

You may use Bulk Product Edit (BPE) to edit the product category (originally called standard product type) of a product you sell, and the feature is available either by bulk edit or CSV edit. 

Before you start editing, you need to find the Shopify GID of the product category you wish to assign to your products. Please refer to this article about how you can efficiently find the GID of product categories. 

You may manage product categories for products either in the bulk-edit style, or by using the CSV-import feature on BPE. In this article, we will discuss both of these methods. 

Method 1: Bulk Edit

To bulk-edit product categories manually in the app, select Bulk Product Edit in the homepage and navigate to the Product Type page.

Accessing the Product Type page via the left side menu.

In "Step 3: Choose how to edit selected products/variants", choose the option "update product category", and then input the Shopify GID of the product type you wish to update your products to. 

Screenshot 2024-07-15 at 16.21.50.png
The interface to edit product category in the app.

To bulk-delete product categories of products, simply leave the input box blank.

Method 2: CSV Edit

To automatically bulk-edit product categories from imported CSV files, prepare the CSV file such that one column contains the Shopify GID's of the product categories. 

Preview of the product category column of a CSV file prepared for BPE bulk edit.

The table header with content "Product Category" is not required

In the BPE app, select Bulk Product Edit in the homepage and navigate to the CSV Import page.

Accessing the CSV Import page via the left side menu.

After uploading and previewing your prepared CSV file, scroll to "Step 4: Column for searching and column for editing". Include the column in the CSV file that contains the Shopify GID's for product categories, and select "Product Taxonomy Category" in the "To Update" selector.

The interface for column selection to update product category.

An empty cell on the Product Category column will delete the existing product categories for the product searched from the row in the CSV file.

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