How to use CSV Import for Google Shopping fields

You can use Import CSV to edit Google Shopping Fields. Shopify classifies these fields as a Product Metafield, using the format: namespace.key

Please note that this data is case sensitive, so this exact format must be followed.

The namespace is always mm-google-shopping

As for the key, please see the list below:

  • custom_product
  • mpn
  • google_product_category
  • age_group
  • gender
  • condition
  • custom_label_0
  • custom_label_1
  • custom_label_2
  • custom_label_3
  • custom_label_4
  • color
  • material
  • size
  • size_system
  • size_type

For example: To edit the material field, you would need to write: mm-google-shopping.material

Here is a screenshot of what this would look like:


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