How do I upload images onto my products with Bulk Product Edit?
You can upload images to your products using our CSV import function.
You will first need to populate the column in your CSV with a URL that points directly to the image. A URL that is pointing directly at an image should end in a .jpg or .png.
A quick way to do this would be to upload the image to your Shopify Settings files, under Settings > Files, and using the built in link function to copy and paste the URLs into your CSV file.
Next, you can select the column containing your image URLs in our CSV import function.
You can choose "Product Image (add to existing), if you are editing an already existing product.
Or "Product Image Source" if you are adding new products
If you need to upload multiple product images, you can put one URL in each column, and choose each column as a product image column in our app. This will upload the image in each column to your products.
For example, I can add the image from my setting files above into my shirt product.
Once the task is finished, you can find the new image uploaded to the products media gallery.