Managing Automated (Smart) Collections with CSV Import

Automated and Manual Collections

With the CSV import feature of BPE you can add new or edit existing collections. Shopify collections can be either Automated or Manual. For Manual collections, products are added individually; however, for Automated collections, products are added based on a set of conditions (also called rules) defined by you.

The conditions for individual Automated collections can be set on Shopify Admin Center:

Importing Smart Collections with CSV Import

When you want to bulk import Automated collections with BPE's CSV import feature, you must pay attention to the naming conventions for each field.

A condition is made of up four (4) parts:

  1. Condition Field (e.g. Product Title)
  2. Condition Relation (e.g. contains)
  3. Condition Value (e.g. T-shirt)
  4. Product Must Match ("all" or "any")
    • This part determines whether products must meet all the conditions ("all") or just one of them ("any") to be included in the collection

The Condition Value can be any text or number that logically fits with the condition. However, the Condition Field and Relation values must be selected from a pre-defined list from Shopify.

Valid Condition Field values:


Valid Condition Relation values:


Note: Not every Field can go with every Relation. For example, you cannot have the condition:


Please refer to the relation dropdown menu in the Shopify Admin Center if you are unsure whether a certain field can be paired with a relation:

How do you put these fields into your CSV?

Each part of the condition will be in a separate cell in the CSV. For Automated collections that have multiple conditions, you can put each condition in a separate row.

Note that the "Product Must Match" part is optional and the default value will be "all" if it is excluded. Please only include one (1) value for Product Must Match per set of conditions.

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